Source code for skrobot.core.experiment

import json, os, uuid, datetime, shutil

from numpyencoder import NumpyEncoder

from ..notification import BaseNotifier

[docs]class Experiment: """ The :class:`.Experiment` class can be used to build, track and run an experiment. It can run :class:`.BaseTask` tasks in the context of an experiment. When building an experiment and/or running tasks, various metadata as well as task-related files are stored for tracking experiments. Lastly, an experiment can be configured to send notifications when running a task, which can be useful for teams who need to get notified for the progress of the experiment. """
[docs] def __init__ (self, experiments_repository): """ This is the constructor method and can be used to create a new object instance of :class:`.Experiment` class. :param experiments_repository: The root directory path under which a unique directory is created for the experiment. :type experiments_repository: str """ self._experiments_repository = experiments_repository self._experimenter = 'anonymous' self._source_code_file_path = None self._notifier = None
[docs] def set_notifier(self, notifier : BaseNotifier): """ Optional method. Set the experiment's notifier. :param notifier: The experiment's notifier. :type notifier: :class:`.BaseNotifier` :return: The object instance itself. :rtype: :class:`.Experiment` """ self._notifier = notifier return self
[docs] def set_source_code_file_path(self, source_code_file_path): """ Optional method. Set the experiment's source code file path. :param source_code_file_path: The experiment's source code file path. :type source_code_file_path: str :return: The object instance itself. :rtype: :class:`.Experiment` """ self._source_code_file_path = source_code_file_path return self
[docs] def set_experimenter(self, experimenter): """ Optional method. Set the experimenter's name. By default the experimenter's name is *anonymous*. However, if you want to override it you can pass a new name. :param experimenter: The experimenter's name. :type experimenter: str :return: The object instance itself. :rtype: :class:`.Experiment` """ self._experimenter = experimenter return self
[docs] def build(self): """ Build the :class:`.Experiment`. When an experiment is built, it creates a unique directory under which it stores various experiment-related metadata and files for tracking reasons. Specifically, under the experiment's directory an *experiment.log* JSON file is created, which contains a unique auto-generated experiment ID, the current date & time, and the experimenter's name. Also, the experiment's directory name contains the experimenter's name as well as current date & time. Lastly, in case :meth:`.set_source_code_file_path` is used, the experiment's source code file is copied also under the experiment's directory. :return: The object instance itself. :rtype: :class:`.Experiment` """ self._create_experiment_log() self._create_experiment_directory() self._save_experiment_log_file() self._save_source_code_file() return self
[docs] def run(self, task): """ Run a :class:`.BaseTask` task. When running a task, its recorded parameters (e.g., *train_task.params*) and any other task-related generated files are stored under experiment's directory for tracking reasons. The task's recorded parameters are in JSON format. Also, in case :meth:`.set_notifier` is used to set a notifier, a notification is sent for the success or failure (including the error message) of the task's execution. Lastly, in case an exception occurs, a text file (e.g., *train_task.errors*) is generated under experiment's directory containing the error message. :param task: The task to run. :type task: :class:`.BaseTask` :return: The task's result. :rtype: Depends on the ``task`` parameter. """ task_type = task.get_type() try: self._save_configuration_file(task.get_configuration(), task_type) results = self._send_success_notification(task_type) return results except Exception as exception: self._save_errors_file(exception, task_type) self._send_failure_notification(exception, task_type) raise
def _create_experiment_log(self): self._experiment_log = { 'datetime' :"%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S"), 'experimenter' : self._experimenter, 'experiment_id' : uuid.uuid4().hex } def _send_success_notification(self, task_type): self._send_notification(f'The task [{task_type}] under experiment [{self._experiment_log["experiment_id"]}] is completed successfully.') def _send_failure_notification(self, exception, task_type): self._send_notification(f'The task [{task_type}] under experiment [{self._experiment_log["experiment_id"]}] has failed with error:' + '\n'*2 + f'{repr(exception)}') def _send_notification(self, message): if self._notifier: self._notifier.notify(message) def _create_experiment_directory(self): self._experiment_directory_path = os.path.join(self._experiments_repository, f"{self._experimenter}-{self._experiment_log['datetime']}") if not os.path.exists(self._experiment_directory_path): os.makedirs(self._experiment_directory_path, exist_ok=True) def _save_experiment_log_file(self): self._save_dictionary_as_json_file(self._experiment_log, os.path.join(self._experiment_directory_path, 'experiment.log')) def _save_source_code_file(self): if self._source_code_file_path: shutil.copy(self._source_code_file_path, self._experiment_directory_path) def _save_errors_file(self, exception, task_type): with open(os.path.join(self._experiment_directory_path, f'{task_type}.errors'), 'w') as f: f.write(repr(exception)) def _save_configuration_file(self, configuration, task_type): self._save_dictionary_as_json_file(configuration, os.path.join(self._experiment_directory_path, f'{task_type}.params')) def _save_dictionary_as_json_file(self, dictionary, file_path): with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(dictionary, default=lambda o: repr(o), indent=True, cls=NumpyEncoder))