Source code for skrobot.tasks.base_cross_validation_task

import pandas as pd

from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold

from . import BaseTask

[docs]class BaseCrossValidationTask(BaseTask): """ The :class:`.BaseCrossValidationTask` is an abstract base class for implementing tasks that use cross-validation functionality. It can support both stratified k-fold cross-validation as well as cross-validation with user-defined folds. By default, stratified k-fold cross-validation is used with the default parameters of :meth:`.stratified_folds` method. """
[docs] def __init__ (self, type_name, args): """ This is the constructor method and can be used from child :class:`.BaseCrossValidationTask` implementations. :param type_name: The task's type name. A common practice is to pass the name of the task's class. :type type_name: str :param args: The task's parameters. A common practice is to pass the parameters at the time of task's object creation. It is a dictionary of key-value pairs, where the key is the parameter name and the value is the parameter value. :type args: dict """ super(BaseCrossValidationTask, self).__init__(type_name, args) self.stratified_folds()
[docs] def custom_folds(self, folds_file_path, fold_column='fold'): """ Optional method. Use cross-validation with user-defined custom folds. :param folds_file_path: The path to the file containing the user-defined folds for the samples. The file needs to be formatted with the same separation delimiter (comma for CSV, tab for TSV, etc.) as the one used in the input data set files provided to the task. The file must contain two data columns and the first row must be the header. The first column is for the sample IDs and needs to be the same as the one used in the input data set files provided to the task. The second column is for the fold IDs (e.g., 1 through 5, A through D, etc.). :type folds_file_path: str :param fold_column: The column name for the fold IDs. It defaults to 'fold'. :type fold_column: str, optional :return: The object instance itself. :rtype: :class:`.BaseCrossValidationTask` """ options = self._filter_arguments(locals()) self._update_arguments({ 'fold_options' : options}) self._update_arguments({ 'fold_method': 'custom' }) return self
[docs] def stratified_folds(self, total_folds=3, shuffle=False): """ Optional method. Use stratified k-fold cross-validation. The folds are made by preserving the percentage of samples for each class. :param total_folds: Number of folds. Must be at least 2. It defaults to 3. :type total_folds: int, optional :param shuffle: Whether to shuffle each class's samples before splitting into batches. Note that the samples within each split will not be shuffled. It defaults to False. :type shuffle: bool, optional :return: The object instance itself. :rtype: :class:`.BaseCrossValidationTask` """ options = self._filter_arguments(locals()) self._update_arguments({ 'fold_options' : options}) self._update_arguments({ 'fold_method': 'stratified' }) return self
def _build_cv_splits (self, X, y): if self.fold_method == 'custom': folds_data_frame = pd.read_csv(self.fold_options['folds_file_path'], delimiter=self.field_delimiter) return self._get_cv_splits(self.train_data_set_data_frame.merge(folds_data_frame, how='inner', on=self.id_column)) else: return StratifiedKFold(n_splits=self.fold_options['total_folds'], shuffle=self.fold_options['shuffle'], random_state=self.random_seed).split(X, y) def _get_cv_splits(self, data_set_data_frame_with_folds): cv = [] for fold_id in sorted(data_set_data_frame_with_folds[self.fold_options['fold_column']].unique()): train_indexes = data_set_data_frame_with_folds[data_set_data_frame_with_folds[self.fold_options['fold_column']] != fold_id].index.values validation_indexes = data_set_data_frame_with_folds[data_set_data_frame_with_folds[self.fold_options['fold_column']] == fold_id].index.values cv.append((train_indexes, validation_indexes)) return cv