Which are the components?

NOTE : Currently, skrobot can be used only for binary classification problems.

For the module’s users


What is this?

Train Task

This task can be used to fit a scikit-learn estimator on some data.

Prediction Task

This task can be used to predict new data using a scikit-learn estimator.

Evaluation Cross Validation Task

This task can be used to evaluate a scikit-learn estimator on some data.

Deep Feature Synthesis Task

This task can be used to automate feature engineering and create features from temporal and relational datasets.

Feature Selection Cross Validation Task

This task can be used to perform feature selection with Recursive Feature Elimination using a scikit-learn estimator on some data.

Hyperparameters Search Cross Validation Task

This task can be used to search the best hyperparameters of a scikit-learn estimator on some data.

Email Notifier

This notifier can be used to send email notifications.


This is used to build, track and run an experiment. It can run tasks in the context of an experiment.

Task Runner

This is a simplified version (in functionality) of the Experiment component. It leaves out all the “experiment” stuff and is focused mostly in the execution and tracking of tasks.

For the module’s developers


What is this?

Base Task

All tasks inherit from this component. A task is a configurable and reproducible piece of code built on top of scikit-learn that can be used in machine learning pipelines.

Base Cross Validation Task

All tasks that use cross validation functionality inherit from this component.

Base Notifier

All notifiers inherit from this component. A notifier can be used to send success / failure notifications for tasks execution.